
Ramla Ghazi
ISLAM has granted the most respectable position to women in the society. In
Islamic society a woman is given a constructive role to play. She has been given
such a great honour that has no parallel in any other culture or religion.
Before Islam woman had hardly any status. She was disliked and frowned upon. She
had little dignity. Her self-respect and social status was seldom recognised.
Let us see some examples of the attitude of people towards women in pre-Islamic
In Greek civilisation woman had no importance. At best she was considered as “a
symbol of sin”.
In Roman civilisation a woman was placed under the ownership of her husband. He
treated her as he wished. No punishment was inflicted upon him even if he killed
his wife.
Jewish behaviour with women, too, was quite harsh and aggressive. They did not
believe even in the truth of her statements. A tradition named “Satti” was very
common among Hindus according to which if a woman’s husband died, she had to be
burnt alive with the dead body of her husband, because with the death of her
husband she lost her right to exist.
The Arab society before Islam, was full of miseries for women. There was hardly
any evil in thought or behaviour that was not present in that society. In the
polytheistic society of Arabia, people’s behaviour and attitude towards their
wives and daughters was very immoral and inhuman. In that society woman was not
recognised as a distinct personality. She had no identity of her own. She was
not given any share in the inheritance of her father, brother or even husband.
People used to bury their daughters alive for the fear of providing them with
food and shelter.
The Holy Qur’an mentions this fact when it says:
“And when the female, buried alive, was questioned for what sin was she killed?”
Islam raised a protesting voice against this atrocious trend of the society
toward womenfolk. It recognised a set of rights for woman; as a mother, wife,
daughter and sister, she was granted an honourable position in the society.
Moreover, she was invited as a believer to share the general responsibilities of
the Muslim society. She carried out her responsibility as mainly as a mother, a
wife, and daughter.
Islam has accorded a very high and respectable position to woman as a mother.
The esteem and respect of mother has been made obligatory upon every Muslim
under the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace
Be Upon Him) said: “Jannah lies under the feet of the mother.” Once a companion
of the Prophet (Peace Be On Him) came to him and asked: “O Prophet of God, who
is entitled to my best treatment?” The Prophet replied: “Your mother”. He asked
the same question three times and got the same answer. When he asked for the
fourth time, Holy Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him) said: “Your father”.
Islam has commanded its followers to look after their parents specially in their
old age. Allah has dictated in His book:
“Say not to them a word of disrespect nor shout at them but address them in
terms of honour”.
At the time of the conquest of Makkah, all the Makkans were, brought before the
Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). Among them was the foster mother of Holy
Prophet named Haleema. The Prophet was extremely delighted to see his mother,
and accorded to her his highest respect.
Hazrat Owais Qarni was a very pious and noble person. He was a great follower of
Islam. He had embraced Islam while the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was
still alive. He naturally had a very strong desire to see the Prophet (Peace Be
Upon Him) but since his mother was old and she needed his help and care, he
could not visit the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him). As a reward of his service
to his mother, he was treated as a Sahabi by the Prophet even though he could
not see him personally. His name entered the list of Sahaba only because of his
strong intention to see the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Qur’an: “And be good to your parents”. Islam has
given an honourable status to a wife. Before Islam a person was allowed to marry
multiple times but in Islam this practice was strictly prohibited. The
permission of marriage was restricted to four wives only with the condition that
the person should treat his wives justly and kindly. He should neither tease
them nor make any discrimination among them.
The Holy Prophet’s own conduct with his wives was the best specimen of kind and
sympathetic treatment. He treated them with love, regard and affection. The Holy
Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him) says: “The best amongst you is the one whose
treatment is best with his family members”.
Islam has awarded following rights to wife: According to Islamic Shari’ah a
woman can seek separation from his husband in case she does not want to spend
her life with him on account of his failure to fulfil his obligations toward
Dowry is linked with Nikah. It is an obligatory bridal money given by the
husband to his wife at the time of marriage. The Holy Qur’an gives the following
instructions in this regard:
“And give to the women (whom you marry ) their dowry with a good heart “.
A woman deserves 1/8th of her husband’s inheritance.
In pre-Islamic society daughters had no status in the family. They were
considered the symbol of dishonour and disgrace. A person having a girl
considered himself as the most unfortunate of all. Often people used to bury
their daughters out of the fear of having to provide them with food and shelter.
The Holy Qur’an has described this attitude of theirs in the following words:
“And when the news of the birth of a female (child) is brought to any of them
his face becomes dark and he is filled with inward grief. He hides himself from
the people because of the evil of that whereof he has been informed, shall he
keep her with dishonour or bury her in the earth”.
Islam eliminated this attitude altogether. The crime of burying daughters alive
was strictly prohibited as well as strongly condemned by Islam. Once a Sahabi
told to the Holy Prophet (PBUH):
“I had a girl. My wife hid her. When she grew up, my wife told that she was her
niece. As the time passed she became familiar with me. One-day my wife told me
that she was actually his own daughter. Upon hearing this I became mad with
anger and indignation. I took the girl to the woods and buried her alive. O
Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him) how cruel and inhuman I was?” And kill not your
children for fear of poverty. We provide for them and for you. Surely, the
killing of them is a great sin.
Islam has accorded following rights to daughter: It is obligatory for parents to
provide their daughters with good education and adequate upbringing. Parents
should equip their daughters with the knowledge of Holy Qur’an and Sunnah and
should bring them in the light of Islamic principles.
Parents are obliged to enable their daughters to marry well-educated, decent and
polite persons when they grow up to the proper age. Daughter deserves 3rd of her
father’s inheritance.
Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) had an intense love for her daughter Fatima. He
used to spread his own sheet as a mark respect for his beloved daughter.
According to Islam, a brother is considered to be the guardian of his sister. He
is responsible for her food, shelter, higher education and proper training.
Rasulullah (Peace Be Upon Him) had immense love for his sister Sheema. Once she
came to meet him. Rasulullah PBUH became happy and gratified to see his sister.
He rose to honour her. In short, Islam has given such lofty and honourable
status to woman that was not granted to her in any other society in the whole
history of mankind. In the eyes of the Poet of the East; “The colourful sight of
the cosmos is due to the existence of the female”.
