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  Thursday, March 13, 2025 



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By Editor in Chief

SNAPPING instantaneously to a pragmatic voice—beamed via a note of TWTNews.Net with a title ‘Rocca’s Classic Equanimity’ the US Assistant Secretary of State, Christina Rocca has come out—with a reverberating memo—that ‘Kashmir is now firmly on the international agenda’ adding zealously that ‘the US asserts both India and Pakistan for a peaceful political solution to the conflict’.

These remarks of the jovial n’ cerebral lady—perceptibly—portray her zestful vim and vigour for a lasting peace in the South Asian region. Thus a pragmatic mindset can—conveniently—take Rocca’s words as an eloquent evaluation of the of the enormity n’ magnitude of the perilous scenario between the two nuke neighbours—India and Pakistan with a singular pedestal—the uncalled for hold-up vis-à-vis the solution of the Kashmir dispute, in line with the universally-accepted UN resolutions, which pave a clear-cut way for the right of self-determination to the millions of the populous of this glamorous Himalayan State, matching with any realm as its bona fide birth aver—bestowed as an equilibrium by the Creator. A summery—just released—based on a panel discussion at the congressionally-funded United States Institute for Peace initiated with a dispatch of a global News Portal, quotes the US leader as saying that:

“Throughout South Asia, the search for prosperity and democracy is too often overshadowed by the spectre of war [evidently due to the Kashmir problem]”.
This insight and acuteness—derived by her—is irrefutably based on realism. Being an antecedent of peace, she has shuttled this region—time n’ again—over the year explicitly for the establishment of amity which could not so far be made achievable only due to India’s antagonistic state of mind. Rocca’s idiom—specifically about prosperity [in the region]—is ought to serve as an eye-opener for each n’ every practical dominion—and thus needs nippy curiosity plus anguish on world-wide lofty-size magnitude. Indian hostilities and chimera towards ground realities is—of course—a cognizable felony. The New Delhi warlords have been splurging millions of $ per day—in extra—on their armed forces during an eyeball-to-eyeball pose with the chivalrous troops of Pakistan who had to take-up positions audaciously—in rejoin—to defend their much-loved frontiers—after News Delhi had amassed almost a millions’ might—and that too without any sanity n’ logic. Paradoxically the Indian rulers did not care even about their billion-plus people—the majority of whom—even without an elfin shelter—is focussing day n’ night its snivelling gazes onto the stripped skies in the orb—calamitously—with a murky need of a simple loaf of a dehydrated bread not to talk of butter or anything else just for their tattered existence. At the same time—sardonically—New Delhi’s non-stop covet n’ craze for tethering arsenal of acerbic style glued—with psychosis—at the cost of its crestfallen masses—who are dying of famine in miscellaneous areas—is bizarre n’ perplexing. Glittering Rocca, has— no doubt—very fittingly referred to elementary necessitates of ‘prosperity n’ democracy’ in the South Asian region. Yet does she—in actuality assume—that such a goal can be realized without putting the Indian warlords on the commonsensical track n’ pulling them out of the dim-witted war hysteria—even if a stick of cuff has to be applied? As every one knows that the United States—being the only super power in today’s world—can straightforwardly do so provided Washington elatedly decides to espouse a route via optimal scolds—even by imposing all types of radical n’ drastic sanctions—against India from multiple directions as a vital base—at least for the amelioration of a human race—the Indians, who are blemished by agony of high intensity. Analytically vetting—if the United States can embark upon a risky crusade of ‘war against terrorism’—can’t it get the state terrorism, unleashed by India on the guiltless people of Occupied Kashmir evaporated in a jiffy? You Ms.Rocca—being a prime n’ erudite plus sagacious n’ twinkle star in the US diplomatic hierarchy can surely play a pivotal role to win over the Bush administration for cultivating a tangible policy for putting the Indian ferociousness n’ belligerence to a permanent end, which can not only help ascertain an eternal harmony in this part of the earth but would—simultaneously—take the image of your own abode—the super power [branded—by a set of people—as Uncle Sam] to the zeniths of global yen—which adores peace and loathes all sorts of skirmishes—which come to a close with nothing except a cataclysm to the creatures—wherever they live on—whether beneath the cavernous seas or under the azure skies. Since you have observed the factual hazardous status—during your manifold voyages to the region—every one awaits that—you being a chic muscle about South Asian affairs—would not disillusion the living beings of this soil and would get the two countries—India and Pakistan—to the table of fragranced n’ comforting dialogue—[for which Pakistan has always denoted stimulus but—on the contrary—India all the time eschewing with one ploy or the other]. It is an apposite epoch to ward off all sorts of perils to the civilization, which—believe me—if erupts shall not remain limited to a specific land but would—together—travel beyond oceanic, upsetting every naive soul. With this infer I trust that your next visit to South Asia would—expectantly rather transparently—be as aromatic as your whiz of buoyancy for taming of an iniquitous shrew—India. At hand, I can sanguinely present you with a palm for your inexorable efforts vis-à-vis peace and tranquillity in the South Asian region—which is a pre-requisite for global camaraderie, goodwill n’ benevolence. Any way I thank you Ms. Christina Rocca for voicing for Kashmiris’ legitimate cause[ though in a tepid shape]— by effecting economy of words—yet with a wait for—that you will assertively speak out—in a brisk n’ categorical mode—via an elite statement on the South Asian scenario—by exposing Indian ferociousness in a guileless n’ blunt way—with a savour for at once solution of the Kashmir Issue—on the basis of UN resolutions—paving a way for historians to ink your dazzling name in golden words—obviously with an orientation towards your apex leaders—Powell n’ Bush—who too—would merit due acclaim for saving this planet from an awful catastrophe—which is discernible to everyone at this point of time. Else the heroic people of Jammu & Kashmir will be left with no choice but to give an impetus to their resist against armed Indian muggers till such time that they get the manacles of alien[Indian] despotic rule whacked with filled potency—even with still more utmost sacrifices—to make the wicked Indians quit their sanctified land. Everyone is aware of the fact that the blood of the martyrs never goes in vain and—in the long run—bears an idyllic breathing ambience for the generations to come. With this diagnosis, in case India goes on with its infinite violation of human rights in the forcibly occupied part of the Jammu & Kashmir state and does not nod to the strong-minded will of the people—for a free, fair and impartial plebiscite under the aegis of the UN—an ill-fated milieu may set off in the region—the total onus of which shall rest with spiteful Indian mindset plus its masters—for posing perils to peace all-around. Isn’t it an symptomatic veracity Ms. Rocca?



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