
By Mumtaz
THE prologue of the 21st century—dawned with the
new-fangled dazzling
created problematic scenarios of miscellaneous tempers
for almost every specie—explicitly—the mankind-- first
and foremost due to the fact that—by n’ large—everyone
has been trounced by ‘acquisitiveness’. Almost each one
wishes to clutch glamour n’ splendour with sumptuousness
of lofty magnitude—neglecting the straightforward fact
that the life is nothing except an icon of a jiffy and
the World—nothing beyond a short-lived abode.
Everyone—if applies a pragmatic mindset—shall recognize
that the Creator is the Most Gracious and the Most
Merciful—acknowledged by the apex truth that ‘God gives
n’ forgives—man gets n’ forgets’. Even then, The
Creator—the only Supreme Lord—bestows optimal Compassion
n’ Benevolence upon His creations—to the breathtaking
point that even an waiflike specie—in a rock-hard stone
atop peaks n’ each one of all those beneath the
foundations of the oceanic as well as in every orb
(globe, spheres n’ planets) wherever a spirit exists—in
skies n’ earth—does get the share to survive
enormously—and that too on-time. At the same time—The
Creator—blesses His creations with solution to every
dilemma—one faces solely due to ones’ own personal acts
n’ deeds. Yet The Creator, The Most Affectionate, The
Most Gracious, The Most Merciful exonerates all those
who bow before Him with a prayer for clemency—with
faithful solemnity. Worldwide inner TWTNews.Net—contemplates
to make an endeavour with zest—to help its fellows get
rid of day-to-day problems by putting them before a
pious n’ devout Soul—blessed by The Creator with
extraordinary hallucination, figment of the
imaginations, mirage n’ vision. He is an authentic
aficionado—with all-out perceptions—of the all-times
saint, Hazrat Baba Fariduddin Gunj Shakar (RA), who is
spiritually linked with the imposing saint, Hazrat
Khawaja Qutabuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (RA), the well-known
disciple of the inspirational saint, Sultan-ul-Hind,
Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chisthi (RA) — adored by each
n’ every follower as Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz (RA), who
architected the Chishtia dynasty now resting at a
magnificent sepulchre in the deified city of Ajmair
Sharif in India. If you believe in this charismatic
mindset—please list your complexity(s) in whatever style
you wish—and forward it—via Email to
[email protected] along with your birth-name plus the mother's name.
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This service is available for everyone—irrespective of
colour, cast, creed or credo because we all belong only
to The Creator—Allah Almighty, The Most Gracious and The
Most Merciful (SWT)—The ONE alone, as is manifested in
Surah-e-Akhlas. This is an absolutely free service from
www.twtnews.net with a meticulous docile request to all
of you—wherever you are dwelling— on the Earth planet to
kindly put in your special prayers for the triumph of
this novel news website. Nonetheless if someone
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CD-500/97 Habib Bank Ltd. (PTV Hqs Branch) Constitution
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favour of Mumtaz Hamid Rao)—for utilization only towards
virtuous n’ upright goals. May Allah Almighty bless you
all—with bouquets of immaculate fragrance of contentment
n’ delight all around—in this world n’ hereinafter and
keep you away even from a petite type of tedium n’

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