Maj. Gen.
Dr. Shahida
Malik, with her spouse Maj. Gen. Asad Malik, conversing with TWT
articulate, plausible and elegant Dr Shahida Malik, who has affixed a lustrous
episode depicting the reward of hard work in the history of Pakistan’s gallant
Armed Forces by seeking elevation to the unique status of a two-star lady
general, the first in South Asia, is sure to realize an excellent slot in the Gunniees Book of Record because her spouse holds identical vocation and rank, an
exemplar which probably does not exist anywhere around the globe. Both are
doctor surgeons.
Looking through her glittering eyes in a proficient way Major General Shahida
Malik told TWT at her modest residence, adorned by a lush green lawn and
flora of multiple nature in Rawalpindi that the honour has been bestowed upon
her by Almighty Allah because of her allegiance to the profession, she had opted
with a curious approach to serve the ailing humanity to the best of her calibre.
“Constant and consistent prayers of my parents have always remained a
magnificent source of inspiration and strength for me," she said adding that
every thing was achievable provided one had an explicit buoyancy to do so.
Beaming a dynamic message to the adolescents, the upright lady general, attired
in her impressive uniform, observed that at the outset one must classify the
area of choice. It must be followed by a judicious tenacity with absolute
fidelity, the end result will be a splendid triumph, she said, adding that
ladies in Pakistan have been gifted with gigantic potential to achieve heights.
Hence they have plentiful vistas to thrive in diverse meadows. An intellect of
contentment is equally essential to accomplish success through evolution, she
remarked. Maj. Gen. Shahida Malik articulated her fabulous gratefulness to the
President, General Pervez Musharraf for elevating her to venerated position and
said, “I was not the only contender. There were three male contestants as well.
Yet the superb status was bequeathed upon me simply on merit.” This decision of
the Chief has no doubt given mammoth impetus to the females to tow stature
in every sphere of life, she added.

Every thing is achievable
in one's life with hard work and sincerity.

Major General Shahida Malik
About her verdict to join the Army Medical Corps, the sober and composed lady
General said, “only due to adore for discipline plus accountability. Without
this, one can’t do justice with the profession, predominantly that of doctors
who are designed to be the saviours of precious human lives. I gauged it during
the tenure of my house job with a Lahore hospital, soon after I ended my studies
at the FJ Medical College, with distinction by acquiring a gold medal in 1969.”
She was inducted into the Medical Corps of Pakistan Army in Feb. 1970 as a
general duty medical officer with the rank of a Captain. Passing through the
trail of her luminous career with optimal zest to serve the unwell humankind,
General Shahida Malik served in several Army hospitals before holding the
significant slot at the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) in
Rawalpindi as its Deputy Commandant, chiefly responsible for administration,
before her promotion as a two-star General. Proving herself as an excellent
administrator, she won for the AFIC a unique honour of ISO 9001-2000, a rare
feature acknowledged world-wide. “A physiological hold is finer than entailing
stringency towards any one" she said and added “this has been proved abundantly
during my stay at different hospitals."
Born in a modest Rajput family, inhabiting at Nizamabad, a diminutive township
annexed to the archaic city of Wazirabad, on March 5th in 1946, Dr Shahida
illustrates her father Late M Y Khan as a role model for her, who, she said
retired as Chief Engineer of MES with an exceptional record of service,
manifested by honesty, devotion and commitment and always advised his children
“to take pride in performance by doing the best.” She has four equally bright
and talented sisters - one Shaista Zaid ( a celebrated news presenter of
Pakistan TV ) - and two brothers. The lady General has three children - two
talented daughters, Shahdbah and Saba and a glowing son Haider, who have also
excelled in the medical profession by getting merit along with admirable gold
medals. While Shahdbah (28) and Haider (26) have joined the famous John Hopkins
institute in the United States after qualifying notable triumph in the
pre-assignment test, Saba has joined the Rawalpindi General Hospital for
Dr Shahida Malik have had straightforward admiration for her husband, Major
General Asad Malik who is blessed with equivalent humbleness is serving as
Principal, Army Medical College, Rawalpindi and had secured a marvellous
distinction by achieving the honour of being the Best Graduate of the University
of Punjab in 1967 and was presented a gold medal. “By
wedding him in 1972, I am
lucky to have the ideal of my life”, she said with a venerable gesticulation and
added “given a chance to re-live, I’ll go for the same life.” General Asad Malik,
an icon of affection is a devoted Muslim, who bows before Allah Almighty five
times a day to express gratitude for His blessings. A momentous characteristic
of both the wife and husband is that they resolutely believe in the fruits of
contentment, with no lust for money and are leading a simple life a temperate
house. “We want to excel in the field, we have opted to serve the mankind and
wish our children to pursue this course," the steadfast lady general said and
added “there cannot be a better asset than this perception. One must be God
fearing and serve His creatures to the best of one’s calibre.” She said that
good grooming of children is a pre-requisite for their success for all times to
come and that can be made pragmatic only by an erudite mother. That is why women
in Pakistan have more obligations to work in every aspect of life on a par with
men. Vistas for everyone are now open with the policy of equilibrium as a
hallmark of this intent. This has been amply proved by my promotion," the
distinguished lady General remarked.
"Yes, I do so even now when we are holding an equivalent rank," Dr. Shahida
Malik said with a smiling face when asked if she saluted her spouse Maj. Gen.
Asad Malik before her promotion from the rank of a Brigadier to a 2 star
General, and added, "I'm supposed to do so because this is a hallmark of the
Army's discipline to salute every senior irrespective of kinship."
With her fresh mission as Inspector General Army Hospitals all over the country,
a gargantuan task rests ahead for her to accomplish. Yet the solicitous Major
General Shahida Malik is sure to be victorious in the light of her sparkling
career, focused by the words of eulogize for her by everyone irrespective of
cast, credo or status. No doubt, the family of the two -dual- star Generals is a
galaxy of intellectuals, instilling acuity of back-up for treasured youth of our
much-loved homeland, Pakistan.