The World Today
visitors vote Gen Pervez Musharraf as TWT's Personality of the Year 2002
By Mumtaz Hamid Rao
THE President of Pakistan, General
Pervez Musharraf has been affirmed as t
Personality of the Year-2002 with an apex number of votes—evaluated via a
gallop—conducted by
the globally-viewed web-newspaper—The World Today—(www.twtnews.net)
which had
displayed an explicit question—on the topic—for its millions of visitors from
all around the globe.
The subject—put up—was ‘Who, in your opinion, is the Personality of the
Year—2002?’ Responding to the query 28.1 % people have voted in favour of
President Musharraf who is followed by President George W. Bush of the United
States bagging 26.0 % votes. Ex-President of America, Jimmy Carter clutches 18.5
%, President Saddam Hussain of Iraq 18 % and the UN Secretary General Kofi Anan
9.4 % votes. In all 3556 visitors of the TWTNews.net partook in the gallop—which
stayed on its website for almost about a wee
Analysts are of the view that President Musharraf has –perceptibly—won the
optimal number of votes due
to his zestful efforts for the establishment of stable peace n’ amity all around
the world with specific reference to the South Asia region which was at the
threshold of a cataclysmic scenario—in the wake of Indian antagonistic
mindset—but New Delhi’s posture was thwarted by the dynamic n’ spirited
diplomatic approach of President Musharraf which evaporated all perils to the
global peace—which otherwise would have resulted into a skirmish between the two
nuclear neighbours—with calamitous impact, travelling even beyond oceanic,
putting the comity of nations in a state of alarm. At the same time, the outcome
of the gallop is a clear icon of the President’s pragmatic endeavours vis-à-vis
other multiple aspects like Pakistan’s backing for war-against
terrorism—wherever it exists—plus bountiful a dazzling impetus to Pakistan’s
economy and the fulfilment of his on-time pledge for the restoration of a
democratic rule in the country as well as his resolute stand on the Kashmir
dispute—through a dialogue with India—in line with the worldwide-acknowledged UN
resolutions, which call for a free, fair and impartial plebiscite, enabling the
people of the alluring Himalayan State of Jammu & Kashmir to convey their
verdict by exercising their birth right of self-determination—a vital feature of
the UN Charter. The Poll Results can be accessed at