WITH an antediluvian milieu the dazzling Himalayan State
of Jammu & Kashmir—with a flora of matchless beguile in each n’ every facet—is
pragmatically accredited as Paradise on Earth. Even if turned into hub of mayhem
by the naughty Indian muggers—ever since 1947—the grandeur n’ splendour of this
soil shall stay intact till time without end. All ferocious gambits of the New
Delhi warlords to trounce the consummate struggle by the heroic Kashmiris to
ascertain their birth right of self-determination have proved
inane—perceptibly—due to their pluck n’ fortitude plus the State—being the abode
of eternal saints like Lilla D’yta (RA), Sultan Bud Shah (RA), Shaikh Nooruddin
Wali (RA) Syed Ali Shah Hamadani (RA), Hubba Khatoon (RA), Lilla Arifa (RA),
Mian Mohammad Sahib (RA) Ghani Kashmiri (RA) whose inspirational names shall—of
course—remain breathing till the Day of Judgement. Atypically the land of Jammu
& Kashmir has been blessed with spirits of alluring personalities in diverse
arenas—with distinctive intellect, hallmarked by ‘Taqwa’ n’ ‘Iman’. Among the
apex ranks—a magnificent name, sanctified with dignity and honour is that of
Late Abdul Hamid Nizami (RA)—an aficionado of Hazrat Khawja Hasan Nizami (RA)—an
all-time saint of Chishitia dynasty. Late Hamid Nizami was not only an inspiring
personality but was—simultaneously—a historian, analyst, spiritual funnel as
well as encyclopaedia of journalism in factual perceptions n’ vision.

Nizami, a dearest
friend. I have never seen such a serious, aficionado having adore
for a specific mission with optimal devotion, intellect and unique calibre.

-Horror in
Paradise (1957)
Hailing from Akhnoor—in the Jammu district, late Hamid
Nizami—born in Jammu in a modest family was a truthfull icon of devotion,
dedication, contentment—with his exclusive honesty atop. Amidst
hullabaloo—created by the sycophant of Indian masters—Maharaja Hari Singh in
1947—late Nizami Sahib without a sound moved his family to his idol soil
Pakistan—but he himself was arrested by the Dogra-cum-Indian regime and was put
behind the bars along with his colleagues—just for raising a vigorous voice for
Kashmiris’ right to determine their destiny—on their own. He was sentenced to
death on the charge of ‘high treason’ but Allah Almighty saved his life and was
set free—without any condition except that he [Mr.Nizami] should migrate to
Pakistan unilaterally—else the Indian invaders of the State would expel him—by
force. The callous ‘rulers of the occupied Kashmir’ did so and the gallant
freedom fighter was left with no option—but to leave his ancestral dwelling and
moved to Sialkot with a zest to get back to his home—Jammu in a short span of
time. But Indian antagonistic mindset did not get his dream translated into a
reality—till the time he headed towards eternity on January the 13th in 1998
reciting Kalama-e-Tayyaba with the first echo of Azan-e-Fajr on the 14th day of
the Holy month of Ramzan. Late Hamid Nizami not only authored many books on
Kashmir—including the Urdu rendering of the voluminous book—‘The History of
Struggle for Freedom in Kashmir’ n’ ‘Inside Kashmir’ inked by famous Kashmiri
historian, Pundit Prem Nath Bazaz but also led many delegations—beyond
oceanic—to tell the world the truthful background of the Kashmir problem. Late
Nizami, who have had full command on English, Urdu, Kashmiri, Persian, Arabic
and Punjabi languages, while in Kashmir, he edited noted dailies like ‘ Hamdrad’
n’ ‘Inqlab’ Srinagar and in the post-migration epoch, worked with the ‘ Pakistan
Tmes’ and ‘ Imroze’ Lahore with a lofty status. Before his journey to
eternity—he was the Editor of weekly ‘ Daour-e-Jadeed’—a key symbol of
Kashmiris’ struggle widely-circulated and well-accepted by all segments of
society in Pakistan and on both sides of the Line of Control [LoC]. Before going
into seclusion and just initiating the weekly—he served the government of Azad
Kashmir and revived the lifeless Silk industry as its pioneer. His fellows a the
noted Prince of Wales College Jammu include—amongst others—the veteran
personalities like Air Marshall (R) Asghar Khan and late Qudratullah Shahab.
A peculiar feature of Nizami Sahib was that he remained steadfast with a
realistic approach and measured every thing with a judicious mindset instead of
succumbing to miscellaneous devices of extol. The glittering lights, beaming
from the window-panes of his tiny ho
use—158 Abbot Road Sialkot went off
instantly before dawn on January the 13th with a gloomy message from his
sons—sitting aside the therapeutic theatre of a private hospital that ‘the
trail-blazer of the Kashmiris struggle had diminished due to a severe jerk of
cardiac seize. Though feeble—primarily due to age factor—no one believed it
because Nizami Sahib, a towering personality with an idyllic healthiness had
never confronted the startling ailment, which perpetually brings a beloved life
to an end. All efforts proved futile and the will who wanted to gaze the
sun-rise of freedom in Jammu & Kashmir State could not perceive even the rising
sun-shine of the Eid-ul-Fitr and moved towards eternity—in a silky way—at 0430
hours, leaving behind his endless reminiscences, dominated by a consistent
struggle against the Indian invasion of the State of Jammu and Kashmir through
his sturdy pen, leaving his nearest and dearest ones n’ thousands of his
admirers amidst a pathetic scenario—depicting tears rolling down from their
cheek. And back in 1949, he kissed the sacred soil of Pakistan—as a great
adherent of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA)—looking across Sochait Garh, a
knotty edge for getting into Jammu—but with full strength of mind to fight
against the Indian invaders and showering a tangible note for his friends n’
fellows that the tyrannical era, initiated by the Indians shall not last long
and will come to a permanent end in a short span of time. He was absolutely
familiar with the un-daunted resolve and determination of the people of Jammu
and Kashmir and knew that India shall have to bend before the will of the people
of the state, who are geographically, historically, economically, culturally,
religiously and territorially linked with Pakistan.
Side-by-side joining the ranks of Muslim Conference, late Hamid Nizami pulled
out his pen to recount the feelings of the Kashmiri people through his weekly
‘Daur-e-Jaddeed’ in post-retirement era. Like an straightforward patriot, he
wanted the implementation of the United Nation resolutions on Kashmir which
provide for a free, fair and impartial plebiscite in the state of Jammu and
Kashmir under the aegis of the world body so as to ensure that the Kashmiris
could establish their destiny by exercising their birth right of self
determination. He was a firm believer of the state’s accession with Pakistan
without which the ideology of Pakistan remains incomplete. Well- learned Nizami
Sahib was, in fact a guide on Kashmir who knew every facet of the state’s
history on finger-tips. Equipped with authentic acquaintance, he was known as an
authority on the history, geography, culture, civilization, literature, polity
and above all the liberation movement of the state.
His love for knowledge is evident from the fact that
before leaving Srinagar, late Mr. Nizami opted to carry with him a voluminous
set of books instead of any pricey item. Despite his relentless mission, he was
least bothered about the political hierarchy in Azad Kashmir—who did not even
adore him. He was not passionate for any reward or award—as he have had the
singular am before him—the liberation of occupied Kashmir from the Indian yoke.
The demise of late Abdul Hamid Nizami has been intensely mourned world-wide,
specifically by overseas Kahmiris with a hope that ‘the Nizami mission’ shall be
kept breathing by the heirs who, to give impetus to his steadfast ideas—in all
times ahead. May Allah Almighty—the Most Gracious and The Most Merciful--bless
Nizami Sahib’s soul in eternal peace in Heavens.